マルタ留学に関するご相談・留学手続き代行無料。マルタ島での留学を知り尽くしたカウンセラーによる留学説明会とマルタ共和国 現地スタッフが対応します!手配実績豊富なマルタ専門の留学エージェント「S.H.C.マルタ留学ドットコム」におまかせください。

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マルタ留学無料相談 マルタ留学勉強会





Chamber College 学校長より マルタ留学ドットコムの推薦文を頂きました

Choosing the right institution to learn English abroad can be a daunting task for any foreign student. There are so many options advertised on the Internet that making a decision can be quite a minefield as clever copywriting can be deceptive.

Thankfully, you can rest assured that professionals like SHC exist to guide and set you on the right path. By placing your trust in SHC, you can have peace of mind that you will be benefitting from the experience of knowledgeable advisors who are dedicated to choosing the best course and accommodation to suit your requirements.

Chamber College has a very successful working relationship with SHC and together we strive to ensure that our clients have the best experience; staying in comfortable accommodation, improving their academic and communicative English skills and of course making friends with a diverse group of international students with whom they will build lifelong friendships.

We, together with our colleagues at SHC, look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful islands and Chamber College.

Joanna Debono

