マルタ留学に関するご相談・留学手続き代行無料。マルタ島での留学を知り尽くしたカウンセラーによる留学説明会とマルタ共和国 現地スタッフが対応します!手配実績豊富なマルタ専門の留学エージェント「S.H.C.マルタ留学ドットコム」におまかせください。

マルタ留学無料相談 マルタ留学勉強会 マルタ留学に関するお問合せ・ご相談はマルタ留学ドットコム
マルタ留学無料相談 マルタ留学勉強会





AM 学校長より マルタ留学ドットコムの推薦文を頂きました

I am Marisa Grixti; Sales, Marketing and Operations Manager at am Language Studio for over 10 years. With confidence we can definitely say that Naomi Ishihara, owner of SHC Collaboration Co Ltd has been a leader in representing Malta as an English Study Abroad Destination for many years. Am Language Studio has been working with SHC for as long as I can remember!
SHC visit Malta regularly, keeping up to date with all the updates and improvements of their partners in Malta; and also frequently showing Malta and am Language to their partners in Japan. This makes SHC a true credible and professional organisation who are dedicated in guiding their students to choosing the best for themselves getting more value for their money. SHC can definitely suggest the ideal package for you, guide you on the best accommodation options as well as the course that would help you improve the most! Based on the feedback that we get from students booking through SHC we can conclude that the satisfaction rate is very high; and Japanese students are satisfied with the services given by SHC as well as am Language Studio. We would like to invite you to join us in the success story… and contact SHC to make the reservation at am Language Studio!

Marisa Grixti
Sales and Operations Manager

